Microbial Burden: A Major Cause Of Aging And Age-Related Disease

Have a look at my latest book update, including ~50 references that link microbial burden with all of the Hallmarks of Aging!

3 thoughts on “Microbial Burden: A Major Cause Of Aging And Age-Related Disease

  1. Pingback: The infectious burden of aging - cause or effect? | Longevity Letter

  2. Pingback: How Much does Nutrition Matter? | Bayesian Investor Blog

  3. Chloe Sondheim

    I’m curious whether prolonged fasting impacts on our microbial burden…I’ve recently read about the work of Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Michael Klaper, and Dr Valter Longo…any idea whether prolonged fasting impacts average or maximal life expectancy?

    Also, any thoughts on cryotherapy?



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