HDL Update: Age-Related Changes, All-Cause Mortality Risk, And Progress Towards The Optimal Range

In November 2020, I made a HDL video based on a meta-analysis in ~3.4 million subjects that was published in July 2020. In Dec 2020, a larger study (n=15.8 million subjects) was published-those data are presented in the video, and compared against the meta-analysis.

In addition, I’ve tested my HDL 2 more times since November 2020, so how’s my progress for getting it into the optimal range? Also, I attempt to derive clinical significance by identifying correlations for higher HDL with lower Lp(a) and hs-CRP.

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUuKlpyvZaU

2 thoughts on “HDL Update: Age-Related Changes, All-Cause Mortality Risk, And Progress Towards The Optimal Range

  1. Lee

    Great video, thanks for doing it. It looks like the vinegar in the pickles could be what is raising your HDL. I am anxiously waiting for your data on what you did to improve your lymphocyte count.


    1. Michael Lustgarten Post author

      Thanks Lee. I just took a quick look at my data, and there any obvious, strong correlations. The closest to statistical significance is the amount of fiber/100 calories, with a positive correlation, p=0.08. So more fiber/100 cals, higher lymphocytes. Whether that’s causative, though, is another story, and whether that would work in you or others is unknown…



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