Tag Archives: Pickles

What I eat: Giant Salad!

Another meal that I eat 1-2x per week is a giant (delicious!) salad.


What’s in it? Approximately 1 pound of romaine lettuce, 1 pint of cherry tomates, 6-8 ounces of purple cabbage, ~3 ounces of pickles, and occasionally, 2-4 ounces of corn.  To top it off, I make a spicy-sesame dressing that includes 1 jalapeno, ~1 ounce of lemon juice, ~1 ounce of sesame seeds, 2-4 grams of ground cumin seed, ~10 grams of raw garlic, and 4-6 oz. of water. I then blend the dressing ingredients and add it to the salad!

salad ingred

How about nutrition? For 528 calories, it’s a nutritional All-Star for many things, including protein, fiber, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and many other nutritents.

salad nutrition

7/2017 Update: To increase my folate intake from my usual 1200 mcg to ~1500 mcg/day, I’ve increased the romaine lettuce component of the salad to ~20 oz. Also, I’ve added a small habanero in addition to the jalapeno/fresno pepper for more spice. Still yum!

If you’re interested, please have a look at my book!